Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Nancy Kilpatrick Writer: More about the !@#$%^ Muffins!Yesterday I made muf...

Nancy Kilpatrick Writer: More about the !@#$%^ Muffins!Yesterday I made muf...: More about the !@#$%^ Muffins! Yesterday I made muffins for the first time. It was a fiasco. 12 muffins took 3 hours of my life which I n...
More about the !@#$%^ Muffins!
Yesterday I made muffins for the first time. It was a fiasco. 12 muffins took 3 hours of my life which I not only will never get back but which will remain as one of my daymares forever. They are tasteless but at the same time too sweet. I've recovered generally from the ordeal, but here are my afterthoughts. 

The stupid thing is I only buy muffins maybe every 2 months at the supermarket, six of the Farmer's Market brand, so it's not like I eat them daily. And yet I became obsessed with trying to make them myself in order to find better-tasting and healthier muffins. The ones I made yesterday are in a theoretically air-tight bag but I don't feel like eating them now. I had the first one when they were warm, and last night--a second just to see if the taste improved at room temp. It did not. Since I still have a mound of basic ingredients, I will hunt down more recipes using honey on the net (where I got these two recipes). I'll add cinnamon or vanilla or ginger or nutmeg and also use lemon or orange zest as Facebook friends suggested when I make the next batch, which I thoroughly expect will be the last batch I ever make.
Why I thought baking would be a restful activity, I do not know. Many years ago in my youth when I was involved with a cooperative vegetarian restaurant and ended up spraining my ankle so instead of my usual job which required me driving an extra-long van to the city's huge food terminal where restaurants and food stores buy their food wholesale, I was relegated to the kitchen helping the baker make apple crisp and a whole pile of other desserts and bread. I found the work onerous and to distract myself for the weeks I was there convalescing, I would sing and hum the same song over and over (likely driving my poor co-worker insane). I'd heard this song on an old Incredible String Band Album that someone owned and was quite taken with it. **Remember, this was Back In The Day!**

The song is "Big Ted" and for your edification, here with this snippet of my ancient history, is The Incredible String Band singing what became a flashback for me yesterday, particularly the important last line of one verse, recapped below:

The sows are busy with piglets fine, I'd put them in the forest now if they were mine, 'cause I know they like acorns AND I DON'T LIKE BACON (yes, I hate BAKIN').